Know my story
To you, who are reading this, let me thank you, first of all, for taking that little moment of your time to want to know about us, about me, about the origin of this humble project and its history.
With so much artificial intelligence and fraud circulating on the networks, it is often difficult, even for a professional, to try to discern an online store that is reliable and local from a business that is not.
It is natural and, of course, completely legitimate that, as a person, you want to know who is behind this website and this humble business.
But, above all, customs are customs. So, I won't go on any longer and let's get on with the introductions.
Allow me to introduce myself properly.
My name is Rosalía and I am delighted to welcome you with open arms into my home.
Yes, you read that right; in my home. Why? If it is only a website… Well, that is because this website, this small online craft business that I have created, was born from my own home, the product of trying to find a refuge, a fair and honest livelihood that is compatible with my own personal situation. In short, compatible with my own life.
The trigger that gave life to this natural crafts trade
As a humble inhabitant of this wonderful planet, just like you, who are reading these words right now, I feel the fervent need and duty to share my story with you.
Although you may not identify with it, it is very likely that you know someone or perhaps you or someone you love may find yourself in a similar situation.
The origin of everything
My beginnings in making completely handmade aromatic candles , using waxes and components of 100% natural and vegetable origin, dates back to 2022 , when my life was cut short out of nowhere; after being diagnosed with a strange, isolating and tortuous disease that limits my contact with the outside world and isolates me day after day, since then, every day of my life.
A disease known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity , in my case, unfortunately, grade IV out of IV , which is the most severe degree known within the nature of this disease.
This disease causes a negative hyperreaction to any substance of chemical or synthetic origin, no matter how minimal the exposure.
This means that almost all of my body systems collapse due to toxicity even with minimal exposure to substances such as: factory fumes, hydrocarbons from car and motorcycle exhaust pipes, perfumes, deodorants, bleaches, cleaning products with synthetic fragrances, chlorine from water and disinfectants, alcohols, various fabrics such as latex, shower gels, shampoos, aerosols, smoke from tobacco or burning synthetic substances that are not natural, chemical fertilizers and pesticides from fields, smoke from chimneys... And a looooong etc...
Before I started doing this, I was a beautician and had my own business, which was really going great. I had a wonderful clientele and I enjoyed myself like a child trying to do my bit to make the person who passed through my hands feel as good as possible. It was an activity that I carried out with total love and dedication for others.
The rest of the story is for writing a book, which I am currently working on, when my body and mind allow it…
However, you can imagine… I had to close that business because I could no longer sustain myself, the situation got to me. That business was part of my life, so I had no choice but to give up finding economic security and stability. I had to sell my house as best I could and leave that coastal town where I grew up and had so many memories, because otherwise the situation would have been lethal.
In the end, I managed to move moderately far away, within my resources, to a humble home located at the foot of a mountain, not far from the little town where I grew up.
After a long period of retirement
After a long journey of more than a year and a half on sick leave, after all those changes that happened, for more than obvious health reasons, since I was unable to be around people, cities or areas that were not free of chemical environments and closed spaces; I had to reinvent myself as best I could and I felt that I had nothing to lose by trying to earn a living as honestly as possible.
For all this reason, I started practicing since 2022, as a hobby, with natural waxes to create candles and to experiment to try to create my own hygiene and cosmetic products.
As a result of all this, with the help of my partner, the idea of creating my own brand of candles was born, completely handmade, using only a mixture of 100% natural essences, products with which I could feel, once again, like a normal person and be able to enjoy their aroma, fragrance and packaging.
Shunya's Philosophy, All-Natural Craftsmanship
From now on, I let you know that each of the scented candles are made by me, using 100% natural vegetable soy wax and only completely natural essences, free of harmful chemicals that could harm you or whoever you love the most.
In addition, each mineral that we select to send you is energetically cleansed one by one and recharged, so that you can enjoy a completely original, purified mineral with all its vibration in its maximum splendor.
What about minerals, crystals, incense and smudge sticks?
When I was diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in severe grade IV, I was informed that to date there was no known type of treatment or therapeutic option possible, so I had no choice but to seek physical and mental support through supplementing with some type of therapies, keeping in mind a more expanded vision, a completely holistic vision of what our body is.
This made me aware, for the first time in my life, of the here and now, of the present moment and of why and for what purpose we experience these situations in life. Each one, in his own skin, each one, following his own path, at his own pace…
In all this, crystals, quartz and minerals played and continue to play, in my life, a fundamental role.
Also, since I am unable to tolerate minimal exposure to chemicals, I was able to appreciate that, thanks to the universe, I am able to tolerate, albeit moderately and little by little, a certain amount of time of exposure to the smell of burning incense or a completely organic incense, which, in addition, I feel exerts healing powers on a physical level. It seems counterproductive, especially when I suffer from what I suffer from, but this made me realize the importance of the role that Mother Nature plays in our lives.
I must be completely honest with you. I tell you all this and share it with you here on this page, in this little corner of my online store, from my humble experience. Even so, if I have learned anything, it is that you can doubt many things in life, which is human. But, I myself have learned that I will NEVER doubt the power of crystals and minerals .
Well, by following all these types of alternative therapies, on a holistic level, I have not managed to cure my illness, nor will I ever manage to do so. However, at least I have been able to find a certain level of control, find a certain peace, physical well-being and, even if it is here, from my home, isolated from the world, I feel that, if I have been able to do it and little by little I try, anyone with the strength of their intention and the ability to let go of what life has in store for them, can do it.
If you have made it this far, I appreciate it. I thank you so much for reading my story and for taking your time, for being interested in me, just as I am in you.
Yes, indeed. Because you must know one thing, you who are reading me now. That, even though I don't know you, and we may never meet in person or shake hands or hug each other, you must know that I am just like you, just as you are just like me.
Therefore, here and now I let you know that I wish you, yours and your entire circle, the best of prosperity, infinite abundance and my purest and most genuine wish that, wherever you are in your life, you reach your full potential and have a very happy life, a full life surrounded by unconditional love.
A big hug,